Since then, I have...
- Purchased a new bathing suit.
- Started work (I'm a lifeguard/swim instructor/bus counselor at a day camp).
- Loved work.
- Hated work.
- Realized that while my job can drive me crazy, I'd MUCH rather be doing what I do than working in retail.
- Realized that, as a 17-year-old with a high school diploma and lifeguarding certification as my only qualifications, I'm lucky to have a job that pays (even though it doesn't pay $500/hour).
- Lost said previously mentioned bathing suit (it's gotta be somewhere!).
- Gone to orientation.
- Met my (temporary) advisor.
- Found out that I am walking in to college with at least one semester's worth of credits (18?).
- Registered for my classes... including Calculus 3.
- Realized that Calculus 3 will probably be pretty hard.
- Re-read Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and started re-reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
- Gotten a sty in my eye.
- Watched way too much TV.
- Had a sore throat and been terrified that I would lose my voice, and been equally terrified that I had swine flu (I didn't).
- Been to Barnes & Noble too many times to count.
- Bought a large number of magazines.
- Read a ridiculous amount of magazine and newspaper articles about Michael Jackson.
- Gone shopping for my dorm room.
- Learned that the Quiet Game (with the promise of stickers and/or lollipops to the winners) works WONDERS when trying to tame young children.
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